As it crazy as it may sound, everyone in Milan kept talking about going out to an outlet center to shop for clothes. As a fan of outlets in Las Vegas and Palm Springs, I was excited about the opportunity to get my hands on some fine Italian goods. Imagine our surprise when this “amazing” outlet center turned out to be the same “amazing” outlet center… as Las Vegas and Palm Springs. Check another box for globalization. I’ll just get my Vans when I get back home. But that horse in the fountain was unique and inspiring.
The main entry to Serravalle has an almost Disneyland feel about it. Maybe it’s the terracota colors or the faux facades, either way, It’s a Small World Afterall.
The horse is prevalent in Italian culture. It represents both the peace and strength of the people. But ironically, it’s Englishman Nic Fiddian-Green who created this sculpture, Still Water.
Just a little image wizardry. To imply the large cloud of smoke is coming out of the little funnel. Is it an announcement of a new Pope?
These hyper dramatic clouds hung over the location all day, but not a drop of rain fell. It was quite pleasant weather compared to Saturday.
Chips and Fries, or potatoes and chips as the Euros call them at Ham Holy Burger. Yes, this isn’t Milan, so we could finally get a burger with no tourist penalty points assigned.
It was nice to see Gucci featured so prominently, but wondered how it was that the store was situated in the shadow. Although the heavens seem the shine on the global Gucci label, at home, the marquee brand is in the shadows. Well, at least the actual marquee. But I guess since this is the back of the store, that means the entrance is basking in the glow of the heavens. I guess that halo has some real meaning behind it.
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