Not to brag about my race track prowesss, but come on man… passing 3 cars in the span of 2 laps!?! That’s Lewis Hamilton stuff!

That was some serious Hammer Time! @LewisHamilton ya feel me? Too bad I didn’t get the in-car this time, but that was one car that I’ll need to do again. Not the actual Gallardo, but I see now that Exotics Racing has the new Lamborghini Huracán Performante! What!?! Yes, the Performante. The Lamborghini that broke the production car speed record at Nurburing with a time 6:52:01. A whopping 48 seconds faster than my fastest time of 7:40:14 in my McLaren 570S. Of course, my McLaren was on my Xbox One. So again, to be able to get behind the wheel of one on a race track!?! Count me in!!! Anyway, that should be this June, as for our March visit to Vegas, I promised myself the McLaren 570S that ER has ready. The McLaren meets my definition of a supercar, the 3-2’s: Faster than 200mph. More the $200k, and less than 200 delivered to any one country market. So it’s on the bucket list.

But back to the Lamborghini. Wow, what a ride. Scary to say the least. The Ferrari 430 Scud was my first car to drive at Exotics Racing. Since then, the Audi R8, Aston Martin, Nissan GT-R, Porsche GTS. But the Gallardo was the only one that truly scared me. Turn 3 on the track is an off camber horseshoe, and jumping on the gas at the right moment means you’ll be facing the wrong direction. Wicked fast, the car intimidated me from the moment I sat in it. It feels like a super car. It feels out of this world. It feels like it’s ready to start up and head out with or without you. I could actually see this car turning into a Transformer. Damn! Twice the backend felt like it was stepping over the limit. By the time I got a hold of it, we were pulling into the pits. Damnit! OK, then the Performante will be my sweet revenge.

Lamborghini has always been the evil twin to Ferrari. Ferraris are the sleek and sensuous Yin, Lambos are the maschismo, bad ass Yang. (Actually the Yin is the more evil of the two. Sorry ladies.)  But now Lamborghini has decided enough with the trash talk that they are all looks, and stepped it up with the Perfomante. After years of success with the Super Trefeo racing series, they finally picked up enough track knowledge to get back into the ring with a serious performance driving machine. I can’t wait! But since the LHP is also one of the more expensive rides, I’ll need to save up a couple of pennies first. But rest assured, after some serious practice in the McLaren in March, by the time June rolls around, I’m going to drive the hell out of that thing, come hell or high water. Plus, they have insurance, right? Oh well, as long as I can drive it home, I’ll pay for it. “Mom, dad, I’m moving back home.”


Written by Christopher Freeman