Here’s my first drive of a high performance Porsche. My dad’s ’72 914 doesn’t count here. This GTS may not have the knock out punch of the others, but its smoothness will score major points in the ring.


The first thing I notice when I punch it, it doesn’t throw me into the back of the seat as the others do, but that’s ok, it’s smoothness is very comforting in a different manner. But then its time for the brakes to do their thing, and that steering input feels so right, you find yourself wondering what club Pauly D is DJ-ing tonight. It’s that smooth that your mind actually begins to wonder because everything is well taken care. The car doesn’t feel like its going to break away at any minute and you’re going to smack that wall. You turn, it turns. You brake, it brakes.

And suddenly, I get it. I get the comments from drivers of modern super cars when they say it’s almost “boring”. How is driving 100mph+ boring?

This is how. Everything in it’s place, and a place for everything. You’re sitting in the car, not on it. You’re not herding cats here, its more like feeding pigeons. And then you relaize, this is something you could drive to work, then the gym, then the grocery store, every day, and then nail it on the 405 coming home and not break a sweat. Just smile from ear to ear knowing everything is gonna be alright. Daddy likes!


Written by Chris
I love to go places, see things, eat food and drive cars. I also love racing, drinking, not at the same time officer, and sharing stories with people. I love seeing other cultures and lands through the lens of real people.