Imagine driving your dream car. Nice! The sound, the drive, the looks from the pedestrians. Now imagine that drive happening in the streets of Paris! OMG! Could it get any better!?! Answer: No.

But it could get worse. Imagine your dream drive of your dream car in your dream city…in a light mist 🙁 I mean, had it been raining, I never would have even thunk it. But a little sprinkle is doable.

So you strap in, fire her up, and head down tiny narrow little cobblestone streets in a slippery mist, and the attendant tells you to nail it! So what do you do? PANIC!!!

Now, you want me to floor it in a $200k Ferrari, in a light mist.The kind of light mist where Felipe Masa spun his Ferrari 5 times in a single race. Yeah, that kind of mist. Oh brother. But I did it. Fortunately for me, the Ferrari was de-tuned, (I mean come on! Did you see the motorcycle giving me a run?) and the streets were packed with traffic, so that encouraged me to take it easy.

We started at the Louis Vuitton store on the Champs d’ Elysee. I see these guys with “drive a supercar” signs and inquire. “100 euros,” he responds. “Wait…I think” OK, I’ve been down this path before, 100 euros will probably get me some parking lot and 3 laps. “No man. You can do a Ferrari and we take you through Paris for about 15 mins. And we take you down some streets and you can floor it!” Oh hellz yeah, I’m in!

I grab Nancy from the store and we run back out to go for a drive. But since now there are 3 of us, and yes, there was a slight moment when I thought, “Just make it 2 of us”, we pass on the 458, and instead, hop in the California. We put the top down and drive up a back street, hit a main street, possibly Avenue George V, and I punch it! I couldn’t believe it. It’s one thing to hit a Ferrari for top speed at Exotics Racing in the Vegas desert, but this was Paris. Downtown Paris…downtown rush hour Paris…in the rain! And then the most chilling part of the ride, there are several section of the road that go under ground. This keeps us away from police cameras and allows us to nail it! As as we enter the tunnel, and if my heart wasn’t pounding enough, my wife points out, this is the under pass where Princess Diana crashed! Oh crap! Are you serious!?! The panic sets in and I lift. And from that moment on, all I could think is rain…slide…crash! But I keep my composure, and try to drive as fast as I feel comfortable. It was actually a relief to just sit there in traffic and see the lights change and not move.

So we get through the traffic and make it to the Eiffel Tower, take a couple of pics, have some people take pictures of us (us, really!) and then we head back. Seeing the Eiffel Tower like that reminded me of the double win of this drive. Not only did I get to drive the Ferrari, but I get to see another side of Paris I would have otherwise missed. We head, but no more under passes, just moderate driving…wait here’s a spot, punch it! Ok, now we’re back on Champs and headed to the pits. But still, an exhilarating drive, taking for granted that this was a Ferrari…in Paris…in the rain. Eat your heart out Fred Astaire!


Written by Christopher Freeman