If you want to grab a beer in a cool, unseen, crazy dark, spooky underground bar, follow the name and do Delirium. Located just off the Grand Place in downtown Brussels, Delirium pays homage to the world of beer. And it’s an indication as to how big that world is. Maybe it’s more paying homage to the universe of beer. But unlike most beer emporiums these days, this one hearkens back to the dark underworld of beer. I guess that’s why it was voted, no elected, “Best Beer Cafe in the World!” And they have the button sign to prove it! Walking down the steps to the bar, which is always a good thing, it starts off cute and charming. The first floor is for rookies, and college kids from nice families. And then you go deeper, and it gets darker. The second floor starts getting a little darker, quieter, and food. Then there’s the 3rd floor. Now this is a place for some serious beer-ology. Or beerista. Or what ever you call it when you try some of the most exotic beers available…in the world! The varieties of beer here are beyond reproach. I don’t see how anyone can claim they don’t have “their” beer here. I just started ordering by what looked interesting or if the bar tender had a favorite or what met my taste for caramel-amber flavors. I honestly don’t remember what I had, at this point I’m on the third beer stop and the colors are just floating around my head now. The beers were falling fast and furious, at first I tried to order the coolest sign on the wall. After literally hundreds of signs on the wall. OK, let’s try coolest bottle, but that didn’t include what they have locked away. OK, screw it, Adler. Yes, Adler, ok Adler. OK Adler…stop repeating me Ron! The beer lantern lit my way and Adler it was. Went down way too fast so back and this time it’s Tuborg. I like the guy on the sign, ok, now let’s try Luxembourg. That’s it, small rich countries, let’s drink to them. Mousel will do. Needless to say, we staggered out sometime later, having thoroughly enjoyed our beer tour. And then we hit the light at the exit, our eye have to adjust. How do these monks do it? I guess that’s why they always look so chubby. Oh…that’s right, we should have gotten some of the Friar beer…what ever it’s called. OK tomorrow…stop repeating me Ron!


Written by Christopher Freeman