As a life long resident of the City of Angeles, I’ve seen it all. Conversely, there is very little that shocks me, in real life and on TV. One day in June 2016, both of those worlds came crashing together in a way that not even I, world traveler that I am, would have imagined. You see, one of the most sought after pool scenes to capture on film, is the pool at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Rumor has it that the film Pretty Woman wanted to film there, but received a snubbing that only Hollywood could deliver: Your stars are not big enough for the property. Let’s face it, when approached, it was long before Julia Roberts was a star, so this was just another schticky small budget movie.
Many times I’ve driven past the BHH, and that’s also part of its appeal. The property is right there on Sunset Bl. Thousands, tens of thousands of cars drive past it everyday. The pink tips of the marquee tower poking it’s head above the evergreens hiding the entry from the general public. Most people know to stop, take a picture and keep going. I think I may have done that a dozen times or so over the years. “One day,” I would think to myself, “let’s stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel and live it up.” One day…
That one day came in 2016. My birthday, June was fast approaching, and I wanted to treat myself right. I thought about it, checked prices online, quickly thought about something else. Anything else. But the thought kept creeping in. Maybe…one day…just maybe. And then it happened: friends pinged us for a birthday party at The Bungalows. Wait…those bungalows!?! What??? Oh my…and like that, arm twisted, ransom note paid, casino chips all in, I booked a room at the world famous…and then some, Beverly Hills Hotel.
Pulling up to the hotel that day, believe it or not, I was actually nervous. Flashing back to the time I walked passed Gina Davis coming out as I was going in to meet friends for drinks at Nineteen, the ‘bar’ at the hotel, the years of driving past the place, and yet never stepping in, the glamour of it all. Yes, I was nervous. This was THE hotel written about, filmed about, talked about, and now I’m about to sleep in it’s hallowed halls. I was nervous, because, what if it was a bust? What star would I run into this time, and say the wrong thing, or say nothing at all? Awkward. Or what if, like so many Hollywood legends, it’s all fluff. Oh well, wipe those palms and let’s head. The valet is a kind fellow, generous with the smile and welcoming. We hand over the car key, hand over the bags and head into the registration. The check-in is effortless, and they make comments and say hi to Chloe. OK, sweet of them. Let’s see what’s really going on, let’s see the room.
We turn and looking at the lobby, it’s nice. Understated elegance, quiet and luxurious. We head down the hall to the room. Everything is a soft shade of pink, with palm leaves painted along the walls. Cool, I think, tasteful, not tacky. Elegant leaves provide a calming backdrop. This is a palm design, not a Jimmy Buffet theme. We get to the room, and oh my! It is beautiful! The bed is tucked away behind a side wall, open to the room, but blocked from the door view, so as to not allow viewing of the front door. This makes it feel larger, and not like a studio room where you see everything in one glimpse. Oh wow! They even have a bed for Chloe! And a water bowl with her name on it. No wonder the desk clerk was asking for the correct spelling of her name. And when they say it’s a patio room, it really is a patio room. A full size patio outside, with lounge chairs, and an umbrella table with chairs. Nice! The bathroom is spacious, huge closet for the various mega-packing line of clothes to wear to various activities, and look at the welcome package: Kenwood wine and cheese board. Fantastic! Dreams exceeded!!! We call the bellman to bring up the bags and ask about ice for Chloe’s food and to chill our champagne. He does us one better, and offers to bring a mini-fridge for the room. What? A mini-fridge? Who brings a mini-fridge in? So they bring in the mini-fridge, we pop in the champagne and it’s off to the pool.

Words simply do not describe the pool here. We sit under the roman shades on the second floor mezzanine above the pool. (does that describe it?) Jonathan comes over, and of course, I have to have a glass of champagne to kick the affair off. Gary comes down and joins, his wife follows about 20 minutes later, just in time for the second round. We sit and chat a bit about the party tonight, it’s her birthday, and then order some munchies. And more champagne. A splash in the pool, a bite to eat, and then back to the room to get ready for the party. And by getting ready, it’s time to open up the Veuve and enjoy this cheese plate. Does it get any better than this? No, and if it does, oh my! (Note: Yes it does get better than this. It’s about 100 yards north of us in the bungalow where the party is).
The bathroom is done in a soft pink marble tile on the floor, matching marble around the tub, but without the dark green accents. Again, understated and elegant. Dual sink vanity provides ample prep space for the evening’s outing. The shower head is soft and flowing. Geez, everything just works perfectly here.
We’re ready to head over to the party. But first I take Chloe out for a walk. I follow some dog patch signs, and find myself walk a maze of leafy greenery to get outside the compound, and find myself on Crescent Drive. Wow, nice, the bungalows are outside, detached from the main building, providing open living quarters, as if these were you own little houses in Beverly Hills. Nice, you don’t have to enter from the main lobby, unless you just want someone to park your car for you, but this adds to the allure of openness and independence. And all this greenery provides nice sound insulation as to muffle the cars along sunset Bl. at the front of the property.
The next morning I take Chloe out for her morning walk, and we walk half a mile or so up Crescent Drive. It’s just a beautiful morning, with the birds chirping and the sun shining. Let’s go Chloe, it’s pool time. Last night’s sleep was wonderful. Head down in a fluff of down pillows, I was out like a light. Full on relaxation in this marvelous room. I dreamed of how lucky I was at this moment. Enjoying this room, thinking about the trifecta I just experienced. In the span of 4 weeks: The Hotel Negresco, The Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome, and now here at the Beverly Hills Hotel. It’s like I was on some sort of Great Hotels of the World tour. As Maxwell smart would say, “And…loving it!” Chloe echoes my dream state. By the time I put my trunks on, she is passed out on the bed. And amazingly enough, her little paws are crossed, as if in prayer. “May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, little puppy.” So now, down to the pool to say goodbye. It’s a perfect day. The sun shining down on the mimosa. I seriously do not want to go home, but alas, duty calls. So we say goodbye, one final toast, a generous tip to Jonathan who is back again, Saturday and Sunday day shifts, and it’s time to pack.
We head out, but first need to check out of the room at the front desk. Something about since we have the dog, auto checkout through the TV does not work. OK, the desk clerk is wonderful and we have a couple of laughs with Chloe. She hands me the bill, I fold it up and put it in my bag. I still haven’t looked at it to this day. We step outside, and take a picture on the red carpet setup they have. Nancy, Chloe and I have our Hollywood moment. We were going to do a selfie, but something weird with the camera kept blurring the photo. Someone walking by offers to take our picture, perfect! And then hands the phone back with a “You’re welcome sir”. Oh oh… he thinks I’m somebody. I have that face. And like that, paradise is found, my dream has come true.